visit us

7 AC Court, High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0SR


If you are driving to our office, please use the KT7 0NG postcode as it will take you to Ashley Road and then Harvest Lane. Please refer to our parking section as parking at our office is limited.


There is very limited parking at our office so we recommend using the Ashley Road pay and display car park which is only a minute's walk away.

If a parking space at our office is required this must be arranged in advance. To get to the parking follow Harvest Lane round to the right, keep going right then down into the undercroft parking lot. Francis Hunter's spaces are immediately right against the far wall nos. 61 - 65. It's quite dark!

Please do not park in any other space on the estate especially the residential spaces.


There are two trains an hour from Waterloo station to Thames Ditton and the journey takes approximately 25 minutes. From Thames Ditton station turn right on to Station Road which bends round to the left in to the High Street. Proceed along the High Street and take the first left in to Ashley Road then first right into Harvest Lane, proceed through the gates and take the first right up through the archway.

The building is to the left. Our offices are a 10-minute walk from the station.


We encourage cycling to our office whenever possible. It is not only great for the environment, it is also great for your health! There are a mass of bicycle racks to padlock your bike to.


Live locally? Sunny day? Why not walk to our office? It not only saves the planet, it is also great for your overall fitness and wellbeing! We encourage walking to our office whenever possible. Use the postcode KT7 0NG for directions as it will take you to Ashley Road and then Harvest Lane. Proceed through the gates and take the first right up through the archway. Our office is then on the left.

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From concept to completion, the Francis Hunter Group consistently provides clients with an experienced, innovative and personable service.

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